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Surgical Vaginal tightening

It is the process of permanently narrowing the vagina by surgical method. The vagina, which enlarges and loses its tightness over time, causes a number of complaints in women. Some of them are uncomfortable with their aesthetic appearance, while others are uncomfortable in terms of functionality. As a result, they look for a permanent solution to this.

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Vagina tightening

Why is vaginal tightening done?

The vagina may deform over time or due to births. This affects women's daily life and sexual life quite a lot. Usually during intercourse they begin to feel spaciousness, abundance. There may be sound and air coming from the vagina. Sexual pleasure can be negatively affected. Frequent recurrent vaginal infections and constant discharge are also a result of the vagina being wider than normal. For all these reasons, vaginal tightening surgery can be performed.

Why does the vagina enlarge?

The most common cause is normal delivery. While the baby passes through the vaginal canal during birth, it may cause tears in the ligament and muscle tissue. Apart from this, it can also cause damage to the perineum (the area between the vagina entrance and the anus). The episiotomy incision, which is applied for the baby's head to come out easily, is also in the vagina and perineum. All these create deformations in the vagina.
Pregnancy itself can also cause enlargement of the vagina. Because during pregnancy, the load carried on the abdomen against gravity increases. There is stretching and relaxation in the vaginal muscles.
With cigarette smoking, malnutrition and aging, there is a decrease in collagen synthesis. The connective tissue of the vagina is affected by this, and as a result, the vagina loses its tightness over time. In gynecological procedures such as abortion, it can cause enlargement of the vagina.

How is surgical vaginal tightening done?

With surgical vaginal narrowing, the vagina is narrowed all the way up to the cervix. The important thing is to repair the vaginal connective and muscle tissue. This is what allows the vagina to regain its former density. It is a process that requires care and attention. Therefore, it should be done by an experienced physician.
It is often performed together with the correction of the perineum, called 'Perineoplasty'. Because while tightening the vagina provides intravaginal recovery, the procedure that corrects the vaginal entrance is perineoplasty. When both are done together, very good results are obtained both functionally and aesthetically. If there is also a bowel prolapse called 'Rectocele', it will be treated with this operation.
It takes 45 minutes on average. The first intercourse after the operation is postponed for 1.5 months. It is returned to daily life in an average of 3 days. Again, heavy lifting and sudden movements should be avoided for an average of 1 month.

Is surgical vaginal tightening permanent?

Surgical tightening of the vagina is a definite and permanent solution. However, normal delivery can cause damage to the connective tissue of the vagina again.

Combined procedures with vaginal tightening

Many procedures can be performed simultaneously in the field of genital aesthetics. They mostly demand both aesthetic and functional improvement in the postpartum deformed genital area. For this purpose, in addition to vaginal tightening and perineoplasty, labiaplasty can be performed. Genital area bleaching is another procedure that women often want to have together. Again, filling the big lips can be applied simultaneously. The important thing is to determine the appropriate patient and procedure after the examination.
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Vagina tightening

Can it be done in women who have not given birth normally?

Yes it can be done. It doesn't matter at this point whether she gives birth or not. The important thing is to evaluate the condition of the tissue with the vaginal examination. If there are signs of rupture in the connective and muscle tissue of the vagina, surgical vaginal tightening is preferred. Vaginal tightening with laser can be applied in suitable patients as another option.
